Building an Economy that Works for Everyone
State of Working Washington
With Unemployment Still High, why are Some Businesses Struggling to Hire?

Hint: it's not your stimulus check — or your neighbor's unemployment benefits

With the Recovery Stalled, it’s Time for Strong Leadership in both Washingtons

Robust relief packages, bold policy choices, and progressive tax reforms will put our economy back on track

State of Working Washington
Child Care Costs in Washington are so High, Many Middle-Wage Jobs Won’t Support a Family

Lawmakers need to act now to boost family incomes and make child care more affordable

Washington’s Economic Crisis is Deepening — We Need Immediate Aid and Bold Action

Federal, state and local lawmakers need to step up now so we can begin healing and start turning the economy around

Washington’s Economic Recovery is Slowing

WIth fewer jobs being added each month, public health measures -- and government rescue and relief -- are crucial to get our economy moving

State of Working Washington
The Wealth Divide: It’s Not Race vs. Class — It’s Both

Bold policy choices can address gaps between (and within) racial/ethnic groups

State of Working Washington
Unemployment Drops — but 200,000 Jobs are Still Missing

Washington's underlying economic problems won't be fixed without strong rescue and relief

State of Working Washington
COVID-19 Pandemic Means Unprecedented Job Losses, but Impact Isn’t Uniform

Smaller, high-wage sectors and people with college degrees face better odds