Building an Economy that Works for Everyone

Straight Facts on I-933

  • Initiative 933 enables corporations and individuals to demand payment from the public to abide by land use and zoning regulations.
  • If state or local governments are unable or unwilling to make these payments, then Initiative 933 allows the grievants to violate land use and zoning regulations.
  • Waivers or compensation under Initiative 933 will be claimed by about 6000 property owners per year, amounting to nine-hundredths of one percent of Washington’s population.
  • Initiative 933 will cost between $1100 and $1400 per Washington resident for administration, claims processing, litigation, and transfer of value or cash to Initiative 933 claimants over six years.
  • Initiative 933’s mandated administration, claims processing, and transfer of value or cash totals between $7.4 billion and $9 billion. The bulk of the cost will be pay-offs or land value transfers to grievants, amounting to between $6.8 and $7.8 billion.
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