Building an Economy that Works for Everyone

Retirement Security Accounts and Public Opinion

A proposal to provide all workers the ability to save for retirement, Washington Voluntary Accounts, is popular with Washington state residents and business owners, according to polling and focus groups conducted during the winter of 2001-2002. WVAs would be a defined contribution plan open to any worker in the state, administered by the Washington state Department of Retirement systems.

The Poll  

A poll of 401 Washington state residents over age 18 was conducted by the Evans McDonough Company between January 18 and 22, 2002.

  • 91% agreed that it is important for people to have some kind of retirement plan in addition to Social Security in order to have economic security in their old age.
  • 82% said they would favor a new, government sponsored 401(k)-style retirement plan open to all workers and employers, and portable as workers moved from job to job.
  • Strong majorities of all demographic and political groups supported the proposal.
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