Building an Economy that Works for Everyone

Valuing families during the economic recovery

The Washington State Family Leave Coalition has joined the Multi-State Working Families Consortium and dozens of organizations from around the country in calling on Congress and the Obama administration to insure that economic stimulus and recovery packages help build up America’s working families.

Here are some of the recommendations:

  • Requiring that jobs created with stimulus funds provide paid leave and meet other high standards
  • Including $1.5 billion to help states implement family leave insurance programs
  • Pairing any federal business tax credits with passage of the Healthy Families Act (establishing minimum sick days), expansion of the FMLA, and worker rights to request flexible schedules
  • Including schools and childcare in infrastructure projects

You can read the entire text here.

Our economy won’t recover unless we begin to rebuild economic security for working families. This agenda is a good start.

To add your organization or name to the sign on list, contact Karen Minatelli of the National Partnership for Women and Families,

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