Building an Economy that Works for Everyone

Moving early learning forward…but we need your help

ShareFour bills that advance early learning are ready to be signed into law!

EOI, the Children’s Alliance and early learning supporters across the state are asking Governor Gregoire to sign, in their entirety, E2SHB 3141, 2SHB 2731, SSB 6759, and 2SHB 2867.

Please join us in urging Governor Gregoire to sign these four bills and improve the lives of our youngest children.

Together, these four bills:

  • Improve the continuity and stability of care for young children,
  • Recognize Washington State’s need for a comprehensive pre-kindergarten system that serves all eligible children,
  • Build upon the strong base we have in our state’s Early Childhood Education and Assistance Program.
  • Recognize the importance of investing in supports for infants and toddlers and outlines a planning process to create a continuum of services for children ages birth to three.

Click here to take action!

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