Building an Economy that Works for Everyone

Friday (Not) Funny: “Small business” lobby group ignores small biz POV on taxes

Poll: Small Business Owners Say Big Businesses, Millionaires Not Paying Fair Share of Taxes

The National Federation of Independent Businesses calls itself the “voice of small business” as it argues against closing corporate tax loopholes and against higher taxes for millionaires. That’s odd, because 75% of small business owners say it harms their business when big corporations use loopholes to avoid taxes small businesses have to pay, and 57% of small business owners support a higher tax rate for individuals earning more than $1 million.

No doubt some small business owners do support the NFIB’s positions, but it’s clear they are a pretty diverse bunch – just like the rest of America is.

(In case you’re wondering, survey respondents were politically diverse, with a majority Republican or independent-leaning Republican: 50% identified as Republican (27%) or independent-leaning Republican (23%); 32 percent as Democrat (14%) or independent-leaning Democratic (18%); and 15%as independent.)

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