Building an Economy that Works for Everyone

Ready for 2020

With your support, we're starting the year strong

With thanks to our community of supporters, I am thrilled to announce that we not only met our end-of-year fundraising goal, we exceeded it! Your outpouring of support brought in more than $39,000.

We are ready to enter the 2020 legislative session with the full strength of our community behind us, and make lasting progress for working families.

Special thanks to our matching sponsors, and to our entire community for standing up for economic justice. Stay tuned for updates as we head to the legislature to advance health care access, investment in early learning, progressive revenue options, and more. Click here for more information about EOI’s 2020 legislative priorities.

Questions? Comments? Ideas? We love hearing from you! Don’t hesitate to reach out at or (206) 529-6350.

Thank you for standing with us. 2020 looks bright with you by our side.

With much gratitude,

The EOI team

Want to support EOI, or strengthen your current support? Learn more about the different ways you can make an impact.

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