Building an Economy that Works for Everyone

Action Alert: We all need paid sick days

Untitled-1One evening in 2010, Monica’s baby had a seizure. After a frantic call to 911, a terrifying rush to the hospital, and a night spent by her son’s side, Monica had to get to her 7 am shift at a local Safeway. She hated to leave her son but she couldn’t afford to lose a day’s pay or risk her job. But now with paid sick days in Seattle, Monica – and more than two and a quarter million other workers across the country – don’t have to leave an ill child or go to work sick.

Nearly 1 million Washington workers – or one-third of the state’s workforce – do not have access to paid sick leave. Everyone needs paid sick days – whether to stay home and battle the flu or take care of a sick child. Across the country, states and cities are taking action to expand access to paid sick days. Washington D.C., New York City, San Francisco, Jersey City, Connecticut, Portland, OR, SeaTac and Seattle have passed laws allowing workers to accrue paid sick leave.

Urge Washington state lawmakers to take action on paid sick days today.

Washington HB 1313, a bill establishing minimum standards for earned paid sick days, is ready for lawmakers to take action on right away. Given the short 60 day legislative session, Washington’s House of Representatives should move forward to pass HB 1313 early in the session.

Take a couple minutes to email the House of Representatives today and urge them to take action on paid sick days. Or you can take action by calling the legislative hotline at 1-800-562-6000.

Paid sick days are a matter of basic human dignity. No one should be forced to work sick or leave a child home alone and sick because they’re afraid of losing their job or a day’s pay. Paid sick days will strengthen Washington’s businesses, workers and families.

Watch Monica’s story and take action today.


Via the Washington Work and Family Coalition

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