Building an Economy that Works for Everyone

The Link Between Early Learning And Care And School Readiness

Quality child care and early education experiences are essential to help young children enter school ready to succeed. Children who participate in high quality early childhood education programs learn better and are more successful in school.

Studies in neurobiology, neurodevelopment, and early intervention show that the years birth to 5 are critically important for brain development. During these early years, children develop the essential language and cognitive skills required to learn, develop their ability to manage emotions and stress, and learn to cooperate with others.

The first five years of life are a time of enormous social, emotional, physical, and intellectual growth. The human brain develops more rapidly during this time than at any other subsequent period. The pace of this growth depends on whether the child’s eagerness to learn is stimulated by their environment.  A child’s ability to pay attention, stay focused, and follow directions emerges in the early years; structured early learning fosters these abilities for later success in school and life.

A safe, caring, and nurturing environment boosts a child’s chance for future success.

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