4 out of 5 Washingtonians worry about being able to afford health care and 1 in 4 are forced to skip their medications, cut pills in half, or leave their prescriptions at the counter because they can’t afford them. How did we get here?
The provocative new documentary, American Hospitals: Healing a Broken System, takes a close look at what’s been driving our health care system and its outrageous pricing, monopolization, and consolidation, and dares to ask “How can we incentivize hospitals to provide the highest quality care at the lowest cost?”
EOI is co-sponsoring the Washington premiere of the film and holding a panel discussion to learn what we can do to improve the health of our health care system at two locations:
- In Seattle, we’ll be at the Central Seattle Library, 1000 4th Ave, Microsoft Auditorium on the 1st floor. Doors open at 5 pm, screening from 5:30-6:30, discussion to follow.
- In Spokane, we’ll be at the Downtown Spokane Public Library 906 W. Main Ave, on the 3rd floor, 6:30-8:30 pm.
We hope you can join us!
RSVP here.
More To Read
November 1, 2024
Accessible, affordable health care must be protected
Washington’s elected leaders can further expand essential health care
July 31, 2024
New poll in Washington finds people struggling with health care costs at an alarming rate
More than half (57%) of respondents have avoided seeking medical treatment or modified their use of prescriptions in the last year due to the cost
June 13, 2024
Enroll for Washington’s Apple Health Program for Low-Income Immigrants – Sign Up June 20th!
When we fight, we win.