Building an Economy that Works for Everyone

2024 Legislative Priorities

By strengthening the core pillars of our economy – including child care, health care, educational opportunity, economic security, and our public revenue system – we can diminish economic, racial, and gender inequity.

EOI’s 2024 Legislative Priorities

Visit our 2024 Legislative Agenda page to  see our full agenda and stay up-to-date on the bills we are supporting this session.

In 2024, EOI is focused on passing legislation that invests more of the tremendous wealth generated by our economy in innovative programs for the public good, counteracting systemic racial inequities, and boosting support for workers and families.

We must take bold action now to create thriving communities throughout Washington. People across our state are struggling. The state’s regressive tax code hits low and middle income households far harder than the wealthy, while CEO compensation soars above workers’ wages. Access to affordable childcare, paid leave, and healthcare can lead to a better quality of life for all – but for too many people in our state, those essentials are out of reach.

EOI will focus on legislation requiring multimillion dollar corporations and individuals to start paying what they owe so that we can fund and expand these vital programs, boost economic stability and promote a better quality of life for every Washingtonian.

  • Affordable and accessible health care  Everyone deserves quality, affordable, and accessible health care. But right now, our health care system is dominated by big industry players like hospital chains and drug companies that prioritize profit over community need. Addressing our state’s health care affordability crisis will require bold leadership from our state legislature to improve oversight, address industry-wide monopolies, and hold bad actors accountable.
  • Stable and dignified work for all people – Every worker deserves job security, living wages, and time to care for themselves and their loved ones. We have been successful in creating strong public policies that promote fair work practices like Paid Family and Medical  Leave (PFML), paid sick days, and equal pay, but we could go further to increase equitable access to these programs and policies. Addressing inequity in these programs requires the legislature to make improvements to current policies that provide protection for workers.
  • Economic stability through meaningful investment Everyone deserves financial stability that allows them the freedom to thrive in every stage of life, but many low- and moderate-income Washingtonians do not have the economic security for significant and meaningful life events – like having a new baby, buying a home, and investing for retirement. Policies that ensure families have access to this kind of economic stability are possible. In 2024, EOI will prioritize and influence legislation like the Washington Future Fund (aka Baby Bonds), Guaranteed Basic Income, and a statewide retirement policy benefit to both increase individuals’ economic stability and decrease the statewide racial wealth gap.
  • Fair taxes that provide ample funding – Everyone should be taxed fairly according to their means, but Washington has the most regressive tax code in the nation, overtaxing working people while subsidizing the very wealthy and large, profitable corporations. Not just unfair, the tax system results in insufficient funding for community needs and vital programs and services. Addressing this will take reforming our tax code by making existing taxes more progressive and by taxing extreme wealth and profitable corporations.
For more details, visit our 2024 Legislative Agenda page to stay up-to-date on the bills we are supporting this session.
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