Building an Economy that Works for Everyone

Coalition wants to ‘Trump-proof’ Seattle with income tax

trump proof seattleThe Transit Riders Union, Economic Opportunity Institute and other local organizations are launching a campaign called “Trump Proof Seattle” to start a city income tax on wealthy households.

Transit Riders Union General Secretary Katie Wilson said the campaign is a response to the threat of Seattle’s losing federal funding under President Donald Trump.

But the campaign is also an attempt to test whether an income tax can be allowed under Washington state’s constitution, Wilson said Monday. If Seattle were to adopt such a tax, the measure almost certainly would be challenged in court.

“We’re looking at what’s going on at the national level with Trump throwing executive orders around and seeing what sticks,” said Wilson, whose organization wants to see the city and Washington state move to more progressive taxes. “From our side, we need to be a little bolder about trying things and seeing what sticks.”

She said discussions will continue about the details, including exactly what would be taxed, what the money would pay for and how any measure would reach the ballot.

Full Story: Seattle Times »

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