Building an Economy that Works for Everyone

2010 was just the beginning

John Burbank, Executive Director

If you are a regular reader of Washington Policy Watch, you know that the next few years – much like the last few – will be rough going for Washington’s workers, families and children. But you also know that we can’t give up the effort to forge a path forward that restores middle class hope and opportunity.

That’s why – at a time when over 1 million Washington workers can’t take paid time off when they or their children get sick – we are building local coalitions to advance a minimum paid sick days standard.

That’s why we’re spearheading a statewide effort to defend Social  Security – and working with national organizations in the “other Washington” to increase Social Security benefits.

That’s why we sounded the alarm about the attack on Washington’s minimum wage law – and helped form a rapid-response team of labor and progressive organizations to successfully defend it.

And that’s why we will continue working for fair taxes that will sustainably fund public education, health care and the other public services that are critical to our economy and our way of life.

Real progress is possible if enough of us want it and work together to achieve it. Please consider making a tax-deductible contribution to help EOI lead the charge in 2011.

Thanks and Happy New Year!

~John Burbank
Executive Director, Economic Opportunity Institute

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