Take action now!

Since the program’s launch in 2019, Washington’s Paid Family & Medical Leave has been a lifeline for working families by providing benefits to hundreds of thousands of workers.

However, under current state law, nearly half of Washington workers who are eligible for paid leave are not guaranteed their job back if they take leave.

Accessing paid leave could not only result in being fired — it could also cause workers to lose access to healthcare at a time when they or their family need it the most.

House Bill 1213 is an opportunity for lawmakers to course correct and close the job protection loophole in Paid Family & Medical Leave.

But it needs your support.

House Bill 1213 needs to pass through committee by Tuesday, March 12, or workers won’t have these added protections. So, now is the time to urge your state lawmakers to make sure workers are protected.

Contact your legislator today.

Powering progress

Building an economy that works for everyone

Washington state's economy works better for the rich and powerful than it does for everyone else — by design.

At the Economic Opportunity Institute, we tackle this fundamental problem through proven, progressive policy solutions. For the last 27 years, we have advocated for policies that make the economy work for everyone. Our successes have resulted in landmark policies like Paid Family and Medical Leave, the Equal Pay and Opportunity Act, and so much more.

Learn more about our successes.

At EOI, we believe that all of our communities are worthy of care. This is why work is centered around our core values of care, fairness, and opportunity.

Read more about our renewed mission, vision, and values.

EOI equips the public and public decision-makers with the policy research and practical tools they need to embed our core into the foundations of our state’s economy.


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Now, more than ever, we need to safeguard progress. We want to make sure that everyone in Washington state can take care of themselves and those they love through all the uncertainties of life. At the national level, those uncertainties and challenges are significant. The federal administration threatens decades of progress we’ve fought hard for. We cannot slide backward, and we cannot do this without you. Please donate today to support our mission. 33% of our funding comes from individuals like you who want a future full of opportunity for all Washingtonians.

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Photo of group of people smiling and masked. One person has their fist up in solidarity.

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