Rebuild family economic security
- Adopt Washington Voluntary Retirement Accounts, HB 1893, SB 5791
- Expand and fund family leave insurance, HB 1609, SB 5679
Early Learning
- Budget item: Maintain $3 million in the 2009-2011 budget for the Career and Wage Ladder
- Approve collective bargaining for child care centers – HB 1329, SB 5572
- Improve early learning and care by creating a streamlined system and maintaining supports for professional development – HB 1943
- Adopt HB 1410/SB 5444, which includes early learning for at-risk 3-4 year olds in the definition of basic education.
- Protect voluntary evidence-based home visiting programs to serve at-risk families.
- Reform components of child care subsidies to increase the efficiency of the system and the stability of children’s care – HB 1754.
Strengthen tax base to fund 21st century education system
- Broaden tax base
- Begin process leading to progressive income tax
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