Progress for Today and Tomorrow


It’s easier than you think to power generations of progress. By making a planned gift, you ensure that you are always a part of the fight for justice. Make your values a part of your legacy and strengthen EOI for generations to come.

Here Are 5 Easy Ways to Make a Lasting Impact
1. Name EOI as a beneficiary of an account

A beneficiary designation is an easy way to leave a legacy of equity, and you can do it even if you haven’t prepared a will or trust. Just tell your bank which people or organizations will receive the funds left in your checking, savings, or retirement accounts after you’ve passed. By filling out a quick form with your bank, you can make systemic change for the next generation.

2. Name EOI as a beneficiary of a life insurance policy

Want to make a low-cost gift with an enormous impact? If you have a life insurance policy but your family no longer depends on the benefits, consider putting that policy to work for economic justice. Naming EOI as a beneficiary on your life insurance policy puts your benefits to good use without adding to your family’s tax obligation.

3. Include EOI in your will or living trust

Including EOI in your will or living trust gives you the most flexibility in how you make your gift, and you can make sure to take care of your family first. If you have already written your will or living trust, you can easily include EOI with an amendment to your current plan. Sample language to include EOI in your estate:

  • Giving a cash donation: “I bequeath the sum of $X to the Economic Opportunity Institute, Seattle, WA.”
  • Giving a portion of an estate: “I devise and bequeath X% of the remainder and residue of property owned by me at my death, whether real or personal property, and wherever located, to the Economic Opportunity Institute, Seattle, WA.”
  • Contingent bequest: “If X person survives me, I devise and bequeath X% of the remainder and residue of property owned by me at my death, whether real or personal property, and wherever located, to the Economic Opportunity Institute, Seattle, WA.”
4. Rollover your IRA withdrawal to EOI

Many people find that they don’t need the funds from their mandatory IRA withdrawals. If this is you, you can direct your withdrawal to EOI and advance economic equity without increasing your taxable income.

Taxes are not owed on IRA rollovers to nonprofits, so the nonprofit receives the full withdrawal amount. You can make this decision year-by-year, ensuring that your needs are met first. To initiate an IRA rollover, contact your bank or fund manager.

5. Establish an endowment for EOI

Endowments are gifts that keep on giving. Creating an endowment lets your support grow and adapt over time, and gives EOI the economic security we need to uplift working people for generations to come. By establishing an endowment, you ensure that your legacy will live on at EOI.

For more information about planned giving opportunities, contact Development Director Jayanthi Ragubathi at